IUFRO Landscape Ecology Conference: Sustaining ecosystem services in forest landscapes
Tartu, Estonia

Within the main conference theme “Sustaining ecosystem services in forest landscapes”, we consider many subthemes, including:


  • Adapting to climate change
  • Conserving biodiversity
  • Managing gene flows and species migrations
  • Enhancing ecological resilience
  • Managing natural and anthropogenic disturbances
  • Abating pollution
  • Managing water quality
  • Supplying commodities
  • Preserving cultural values
  • Providing aesthetics and recreation

Our goal is to examine these topics within the context of landscape mosaics with forests of all types – natural, plantation, and urban – and examine concepts (e.g., ecological theory, philosophy, legal and social frameworks), research (e.g., new approaches to analyzing spatial patterns, monitoring processes, simulation modeling, multiple scales), and applications (governance, policies, strategies, and practices at local, regional, national, continental, and global scales).


The co-sponsors of this meeting include Tartu Observatory, Estonian University of Life Sciences, University of Tartu, and European Land-use Institute.